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Revit®| Stretch to Beam

Stretches a Structural Member against another Structural Member.
Extends an structural element(s) to a boundary formed by another structural element.


First select the Structural member to be stretched.
Press the Enter key to apply the selection.
Second, select the Structural member to be used as the boundary for the previously selected beam(s).
Press the Enter Key to finish, otherwise, repeat the selection process.
Multiple elements can be extended to the same boundary, by selecting multiple male Structural members.
Select the magenta colored handler to edit the gap dimension.
After doing that you must select the Female Structural Member, and the Male Structural Member will stretch to the Female Structural Member


If you change the position of the Male or Female Structural Member, the stretch will still be attached with each other.

Instance Parameter


A= hsbcad Gap.
Revit | Stretch to Beam,Stretch to Beam
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