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Essential Guide to hsbDesign enabler for hsbDesign22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26

This document will show you how to take a hsbDesign model made in hsbDesign22 / hsbDesign23 / hsbDesign24 / hsbDesign25 or hsbDesign26 and open it in a non hsbDesign Acad environment.


To use the Older Object enabler (2017 and lower) read the hsbCad object enabler document.



The function of this document is to be able to take an hsbcad model and open it in a non hsbcad Acad environment.
This allows a user to view the hsbcad models for checking purposes only.
As non hsbcad based AutoCAD environment doesn’t have an hsbConsole to control the model, there will always be an issue of having people viewing multiple levels in model space if the model has been designed with multiple levels on top of each other.
So in order to have a non hsbcad based Autodesk Product view multiple levels, you must ensure that you have these levels up inside the Layouts.

Failure to do so will result in the user only being able to view the complete model.
If the recipient only has AutoCAD it is necessary for him to install both the AutoCAD Architectural (ACA) and hsbDesign Enablers.
If the recipient has ACA it is only necessary to install the hsbDesign  Enablers.
The ACA object enablers can be freely downloaded from the Autodesk website.

What to do


  • Select the desired hsbDesign Enabler version.


If you want an older version select the hsbCad object enabler document.


  • Select the Download button
  • Save this in a temporary folder, Unzip the file and install the hsbDesign Enabler.
  • Restart your computer and open AutoCad Architecture.


it also works with AutoCad Lite



Note: Find out first what version the designer has made the drawing in and download that hsbDesign enabler.


How to open a hsbDesign drawing if you don't have AutoCad Architecture

download center,Enablers,how to open a non autocad drawing,hsbdesign enablers,object,object enabler,viewer
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