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This tsl places dimension lines between the studs of an element (Insulation).
It provides the user with the option to add an extra width to the insulation.
E.g.: When there is 600 mm between two studs the dimension line could show 605 mm.


This tsl is saved in your C:\Program Files\hsbcad\<hsbcad20...>\Content\Dutch\TSL

Insert: Manual insert


This tsl has to be added to a viewport (Paperspace).



We also have other tsl’s for insulation.
hsb_D-Insulation: Places dimension lines between the studs of an element.
hsb_E-InsertInsulation: Uses the hsb_E-Insulation tsl (makes drills inbetween each stud to insert foam inbetween the studs, also makes a hatch)
hsb_Insulation: UK tsl, replaces the hsbInsulation tsl.
hsb_RemoveInsulation: UK tsl, this removes the hsb_Insulation from the Element.
hsbElementInsulation: German tsl  
hsb-Insulation: Dutch tsl 

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