TSL | hsb_G-Information
This tsl adds extra information to the viewport for the specified objects in a layout.
This tsl is saved in your C:\Program Files\hsbcad\<hsbcad20...>\Content\Dutch\TSL
Extra information consists of:
*Sub type
*Number & Quantity
*Floor group
*Top Group
*Extrusion profile
*Element area
*Element area openings subtracted
*Material from zone
*tsl instance
*Project number Element type & number
*Main beamsection
*Tile lath distribution
*Counter batten distribution
*Nail spacing
*Weight - (See explanation hsbCenterOfGravity)
*Project number/Element number
*Area as percentage
*Volume as percentage
Insert: Manually insert
The tsl has to be added to a viewport (Paperspace).
Another tsl that you can use is the hsb_G-EntityInformation.
If you use the option ''Weight'' then you need to put the hsbCenterOfGravity tsl in your template drawing first.
You do not need to do anything with it.
The hsbGenBeamDensityConfig.xml file should be put in the folder hsbCompany / Abbund.
This file contains all the materials and the type of body weight.
The densities must be manually filled-in the XML file.
NOTE: if no matching material is found in the density table then a density of 500 kg/m3 will be used.
We also have a simular tsl that shows wall description, section size panel, weight, ect ... hsb_ShowElementInformation
We also have a simular tsl that shows wall description, section size panel, weight hsb_ShowWallInformation
We also have a simular tsl that shows weight of the Element hsb_ShowElementWeight.