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TSL | hsb_P-InstallationPoint

This tsl will add Electricity to a Panel Element.


This tsl is saved in your C:\Program Files\hsbcad\<hsbcad20...>\Content\Dutch\TSL
This tsl is saved in your C:\Program Files\hsbcad\<hsbcad20...>\Content\UK\TSL\ Standard\General

Insert: Manually insert


This tsl has to be added in Model space.
To insert the tsl, select the Panel, then select the position.



We have other different tsl that adds Electricity
hsb_E-InstallationPoint: This tsl will add Electricity, gas or water symbols to an Element.
hsb_E-InstallationTube: This tsl will add a tube or a line where the tube needs to come on an Element.
hsbCAD_Electrical Circuit: This tsl creates an Electrical circuit in a Wall Element.
hsbCAD_Electrical Fixture: This tsl creates Electrical fixture in a Wall Element.

hsb_P-InstallationPoint: This tsl will add Electricity to a Panel Element.
hsbCLT-Electra: This tsl will add Electricity to a Panel Wall.
hsbPanelElectra: This tsl has been replaced by the hsbCLT-Electra.

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