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Hundegger New Cambium software 2.1


There is a modification in the Cambium software which alters the depth of a mortise during loading of bvx files.


This can lead to undesired machining.
The default setting in the Cambium of the Depth is set to increased with 8%.

The hsbDesign users need to be aware of this.
This setting can be modified as follows:

  • Open the Cambium software and select Extras in the pull down menu.
  • Select the Operations templates BVX 2.1
  • Select Mortise
  • Right mouse click each of the six Mortise picture and select Edit
  • Scroll down to the Offset values and change the Mortise depth to the desired value 0.0

The Template is now set, open a BVX file from within the Cambium software.

cambium,cambium software,hundegger,hundegger cambium,software
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