TSL | Dimline
This tsl lets you create a dimline in dependency of the selected defining entities in modelspace or paperspace.
This tsl is saved in your C:\Program Files\hsbcad\<hsbdesign2..\Content\General\TSL
Insert: Manually insert
During insert you have 3 options:
- Select a painter filter to dimension filtered entities
- Select entities in the drawing
- Just pick points to dimension in the drawing
Editing actions
When the dimline tsl is placed, there are different custom Right Mouse button actions to easily edit the dimline.
Add Points
Manually pick points to add to the dimensionline.
Remove Points
Remove the points which are added manually
Add Entities
Select entities in the drawing to add to the dimline. The extends of the entity will be dimensioned.
Set Alignment
Change the alignment of the dimline. Pick a point and a direction.
Set Fixed Location
Make the dimensionline use a fixed location.
Rotate 90 degrees
Rotate the dimensionline 90 degrees.
Swap Delta/Chain
Swap the text to the other side of the dimensionline.
Add/Edit Tool Rule
When dimensioning tools, the rule for the tools can be edited.