Version 26 of hsbDesign for AutoCAD®
New and improved in hsbDesign26 for AutoCAD®
- Kamatsugi tool can now be added to non-parallel beams.
- During the placement of a beam, now the beam type can be specified.
- The calculation of solid dependent data (analysis of tools, bounding boxes, real lengths…) has been improved. A huge performance increase has been achieved in many parts of the software. The speedup is particularly noticeable in more complex parts, e.g. where many drills are involved. The speedup is seen in many parts of the software: export, generation of shop drawings, tooling applied to the parts…
- Now Sheets can also be created from circles.
- Autocad Multilines are now exported and can be e.g. accessed as entities in the excel export.
- In HSB_BEAMNEW command the plugin TSLs are now saved in the “LastInserted” catalog and are automatically included in a subsequent call of the command.
- It is now possible to manage metal part collection definitions, as well as truss collection definitions from the style manager.
- Formatting can now be used with tools in exports. With this additional information can be send to the machine with formatting.
- Entity SubMapX data can now be inspected from the ACA Properties Palette.

New IFC Import Manager
- We’re thrilled to announce that our new IFC Import Manager now can be used. With the release of version 26, we’re introducing a revolutionary IFC Import tool that will transform the way you work.
The following article explains this tool:
IFC Import general
- During the import of walls the “Convert Item to Hsb Object extension” can now perform wall corner cleanup for Element Walls.
- During the import of walls the “Convert Item to Hsb Object extension” now has the option “Wall justification”.
- Custom property sets from ifc are now imported as property sets in ACA.

- The IFC properties IsExternal and LoadBearing can be added directly to timber stickframe walls during import now.
- The IFC properties IsExternal and LoadBearing can be added directly to timber stickframe walls during import now.
- Improved the IFC Import so that elements can be assigned to groups in the hsbConsole.
- Progress bar added to IFC import in hsbShare console to determine the actions been performed. There is also an enhancement to performance speed of importing IFC to hsbDesign.
- PropertyMapper Extension now also displays mapping fields during IFC Import for CLT Import Sets.
- When importing an IFC model. The IFC information in the Layer field now is available to map to a property.
- Kamatsugi tool can now be exported to BVX2.

- We can now also export to BTLx. The basic export functionalities and toolings are now available. We support both V1.1 and V2.0.
- When exporting using the hsbExporter, reports are not created when there are no entities (beams, sheets, elements) to show. This prevents empty reports.
- The hsbZones are now visible in our IFC export.
- We now support Randek CDT version 5.
- Non-element walls. curtain walls and ACA spaces can now be exported to IFC.
- Our IFC export is now capable of exporting to different IFCTypes. I.E. Beams can be exported to IFCColumns.
- The BomLink Excel output now supports grouping within a worksheet using a Property Group Format to define the grouping criteria.
- In Bomlink now Excel can be used as an inventory source.
- Entity is now a selectable type in BomLink.
- The dynamic block attributes of Blockitems and BlockReferences can be accessed in BomLink using the function DynamicProperty(PropertyName, DefaultValue). The function has 2 arguments. The first is the property name, the second is a default value, that appears if the property was not found.
Validations & Extensions
- It now is possible to set the severity of the validation results. Against each configured validation it is now possible to set whether any results reported are flagged as Errors, Warnings or just Information. The purpose here is to provide cleaner results make important problems more obvious.

- A new validation named ModuleGeometryCheck has been created to check if modules are overlapping and if all module beams do touch each other.
- The “Tag Sheets with Element Tools” extension now also has the option to include milling and saw lines.
- New extension “Remove plates and stretch studs” has been added to the Weinmann CNC link, where packing is placed at the bottom of an opening.
- Painter definitions now can be exported and imported to an external file. By default a folder called Painter is created in the Company folder. The files have the extension.painter.
- The custom textbox of the GroupBy dialog in painter is now extended with an auto complete and a function providing a dialog to explain things.
- hsbPainter now supports tool entities like trusses, metalPartCollectionEntities and fastenerAssemblies
- 3D solids can be used as an item in the hsbPainter.
- The filtering functionality has been improved. Also there now is the possibility to edit existing filders.
- hsbPainter now supports SurfaceQualityBottomStyle and SurfaceQualityTopStyle to specify definitions referring to the the surface quality styles of a panel.
- hsbPainter now supports SurfaceQualityBottomStyle and SurfaceQualityTopStyle to specify definitions referring to the the surface quality styles of a panel.

- Painter now supports ‘ExtrProfName’ to specify definitions which refer to the extrusion profile name of a beam.
- Duplicate names are not possible anymore for painter definitions.
- The DimLine tsl now can dimension independend tsl’s in a shopdrawing. For example drills or shigapicks. Also the dimension can be aligned with the desired edge.

- The hsbCenterOfGravity tsl can now take into account tsl’s which are attached to the element, and have additional mapX data. This data is added to the weight of the element. And depending on it, the centerOfGravity of the element will change.
- The hsbCenterOfGravity tsl is expanded to give more accurate weight for composite beams.
- The painter now can be used to filter within the hsbCenterOfGravity tsl.
- sd_EntitySymbolDisplay supports scaling based on a given textheight and it no longer supports the redundant flag ‘allowOverride’. Background coloring has been improved, filled display uses true color white (255,255,254) if background color has been set to 7.
- Dimline provides a property to scale to other units then the dwg unit.
- DimAngular now supports: Paperspace Element Viewports, Section2D, Shopdrawing (any), Entities of type Genbeam, Metalpart Collection Entity, Element, Polyline.
The detection of the angles is based on a contour and the user can choose between vertex and segment mode. When inserting to a set of entities in modelspace the current UCS is considered to be the dimension plane.
- hsbCLT-TongueGroove solid visualisation improved.
- The tsl TSL_jackRafterHousing has new properties to set a tolerance in width and height to reflect potential shrinkage.
- In the nesting, the function has been added that if “Unchanged” is included in the selection “Top Face Alignment” and it has already been manually nested, the child panels no longer change. In the Masterpanelsettings.xml the line “<int nm=”KeepFloorReferenceBottom” vl=”0″/>” must be inserted. Academy:
- The tool “CLT-Freeprofile” has been replaced by the tool “Freeprofile” in content DACH as it now supports CLT as well as beams and has received more functionality.
- The Dimline now provides a context command to purge redundant dimlines.
- hsbViewHatching tsl now supports blockspace defined creation on multipages.
- DrillDistribution now supports conical drills or slotted holes.
- instaConduit offers new alignment options. And in addition to the cell nodes you can now also/alternatively drag onto the combination.
- The length of the “FreeProfile” tool can now be retrieved with the format “@(Freeprofile Length)”.

- With the new tsl hsbCLT-OpeningBatchCreator it is possible to assign multiple tools to an opening.
- The tsl SplitBeamByType allows you to create a list of beamtypes and prioritize how these beam should interact, so you can automatically split beams based on their beam type and how they intersect each other. This can be added as catalogue to the place beam command.

- The new tsl entityTagger allows you to number entities and include painter definitions as a parameter for numbering.
You can use this to number beams based on the numbering settings and a painter definition for beam length as an example. You can also assign data to an entity fields i.e. you want to use sequence numbering and place this numbering in the sublabel field and use the painter result as a label field.
- hsbViewTag has grouping added as a tag type. Now you can tag a group of similar objects, a line will be displayed showing extends of group and a tag will be placed on this line.
- There is a new tsl PolylineTool for beams and for panels. See the following article regarding this tool:
- hsbCLT-Masterpanel-Manager supports empty masterpanels on creation now.
- hsb_Vent tsl has been extended. Now properties are available, to add a stud or backing block batten around a vent.
- A property set has been added to the hsb_PocketPointLoad tsl for the ability to add an Anchor Bracket at the base of a pocket point load truss assembly. Property set added: ‘Angle Bracket Location: Left / Right / Both.
- The hsb_CreateMulitpleStuds tsl will remain in the drawing. So if the walls are generated multiple times it will keep the multiple studs and not make you re-run the tsl again.
- hsbCLT-MasterPanelManager tsl now has new format properties for masterpanels – Number of childpanels, Area Nett, Area Gross, Volume, Yield.
- hsbCLT-MasterPanelManager tsl now has a new property to define the offset between two master panels in the config file.

- sd_PainterFilter now supports 3 different modes within the shopdrawing framework.
Selection Filter: accepting only entities for shopdraw creation.
Ruleset Filter: accepting only entities which match the condition within a layout override.
Showset Filter: defining the set of entities to be shown within the shopdrawing