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Essential Guide to Integrate Autodesk Revit® to AutoCAD®Architecture with hsbDesign


Revit to  AutoCAD® Architecture link provides a means to allow this early design to begin in Autodesk Revit® but final detailing of production drawings to be completed with hsbDesign for AutoCAD® Architecture, without having to redraw the entire model again.

The main objectives are:

  • Create a link between hsbDesign for Autodesk Revit and hsbDesign for AutoCAD®Architecture
  • Set-up model extensions
  • Set-up validation rules
  • Dynamically log data during the import process
  • Dynamically validate data during the import process

hsbshare in Autodesk Revit

hsbshare is used to create the link between Autodesk Revit and AutoCAD®Architecture.  We will link the model and it will store your project in the cloud.

hsbDesign ribbon with hsbshare
  • Open the hsbshare console in Autodesk Revit.*** Ensure you are logged in to hsbshare.
Access hsbshare on hsbDesign ribbon
  • Create a new project in the hsbshare console by selecting the + icon
  • Name your project in the Project name field
  • Select the team to collaborate
  • Pick Create Project
Adding a project in hsbshare console

You will now have the opportunity to add the model to your hsbshare project

  • Select the drop down icon to Add Model
  • To select entities to add to the hsbshare project you have two options.  For this tutorial we will use Select from Drawing
Selecting a project to upload to hsbshare can be done by either selecting a file or from within drawing


Select from Drawing – Select the entities within the current Autodesk Revit® session open. When selecting objects for CLT, use the filter selection hsbcad Elements. When selecting objects for Stickframe, use the filter selection ‘Architectural Items (Wall/Roof/Floor)



From File - Select a file from an external placeholder on your PC. Examples of file type are .ifc, .rvt and .hmlx.


  • Select the entities in the model and pick Finish button.  You have now uploaded your project
Complete the upload process by selecting finish button


You can view the uploaded model in hsbshare, and decompose your model into manageable imports using model selections. For example a five storey building, could be imported floor by floor.

  • Login into hsbshare with your username and password – www.hsbshare.com
  • Ensure the widget Import Selection Set is on
Import Selection widget for filtering selection
  • Open your project in hsbshare, by typing the name in the search field
Searching in hsbshare
  • Enlarge the Model Viewer widget by selecting the arrow in top right corner
  • Select the search magnifier glass and create a search filter on Object Type, Property Name and Property Value.  In the example below, we are filtering on CLT panels that have a surface quality called IVI
Selection filter on surface quality IVI on CLT panel
  • Select the Add Import Selection Set icon, and provide a Name for the selection Set
Import selection set
  • Close the enlarged Model Viewer widget by selecting the ‘X’ in top right corner
  • Note in the Import Selection Set widget , the selection set has appeared
Main hsbshare dashboard showing created selection set

Template setup in AutoCAD® for architects

Prior to linking a model into AutoCAD® Architecture it is important to define the template with key data. During the linking process, various objects will be mapped in AutoCAD® Architecture, and thus this data needs to reside in the template. Depending on the model type been linked, the following data must be in the template

  • CLT
    • hsbcad company folder correctly set in the template
    • Panel styles defined
    • Grain Direction catalog defined
    • Surface qualities defined
  • Stick Frame
    • hsbcad company folder correctly set in the template
    • Opening catalog defined

hsbshare in AutoCAD® for architects

hsbshare is used to create the link between Autodesk Revit® and AutoCAD® Architecture.  We will link the model from hsbshare.

  • Open hsbshare in AutoCAD® Architecture be selecting hsbshare icon or typing ‘hsbshare’ on the command line
hsbshare in AutoCAD®for architects
  • Type the project in the search field in the hsbshare console
Searching for project in hsbshare with AutoCAD® for architects
  • Select the drop down arrow next to the project name
  • Select the drop down arrow next to the model name

You will now be presented with possibilities to import either the full model or the selection set as defined in hsbshare

Importing a project from hsbshare
  • Select the ‘Import’ button

Importing ModelX

Importing a model from Autodesk Revit will have different object representations than objects in AutoCAD® for architects. However proprietary to both platforms, the same format structure is used called hsbDesign ModelX, that is used when importing. Importing this, it is split into two sections:

  • Model Translation Rule Set (Plugin Group) - allows you to map and create objects  in AutoCAD® Architecture from Autodesk Revit®
  • Validation Group – allows you to validate the data imported to AutoCAD® Architecture is correct and an accurate representation


For more information on the functionality of validation group, see here



For more information on the functionality of the model translation rule set, see here


  • Select the following three options when importing
    • resolve entity handles in drawing
    • resolve entities by hsbUniqueids
    • store hsbUniqueids of newly created entities
ModelX import options


For more information on ModelX import options, see here


Model Translation Rule Set

Allows you to map and create objects in AutoCAD® Architecture from Autodesk Revit®

  • Pick the 3 bar button for Model Translation Rule Set (Plugin Group)
  • Add a new name for the extension group, picking the Add + button, and naming the group.  For this purpose, lets call it VCRevit2ACA
Adding an extension group name
  • Add a new group extension type, picking the Add + button, and selecting from the list of group extensions.
Various group extension types


Selecting the specific group extension types depends on the model type you are importing, thus will require different extensions. For example a model of stick frame has different extensions to that of a model of CLT.


CLT Model Import

Select the following extensions and parameters in the group extensions as shown below when importing a CLT model

  • TSL Instance Creator – Maps objects to TSL instance objects in AutoCAD® for architects. The catalog name can be different in your own case, depending on the catalog name you used in the template in AutoCAD®
Add TSL instance creator to map objects with AutoCAD - Example shows grain direction in Autodesk Revit been mapped to grain direction tool in AutoCAD, calling on a catalog CLT_Grain
  • Property Mapper – Maps properties of objects to properties in AutoCAD® for architects. Select the drop down to select the type, Sip and ElementWallSip simultaneously and select the green + to add. In each section of type Sip and ElementWallSip, it is possible to map the entity field in AutoCAD® to the mapping field in Autodesk Revit®
Mapping the item container name in Autodesk Revit, which is the envelope surrounding the Revit object to the Label field in AutoCAD® for architects, is one such example above.  This means if user in Autodesk Revit labelled a wall as GF-01, it would appear in the label field in AutoCAD® as GF-01
  • Add Body As MapX – Creates a body representation of the Autodesk Revit® body in AutoCAD®for architects. This can be used later to compare the linked body in AutoCAD® with that of the body created on export, which is a representation of the object in Autodesk Revit®

Stick frame model import

Select the following extensions and parameters in the group extensions as shown below

  • Convert Imported Body to an Hsb Item – Converts the body representation from Autodesk Revit® to a body outline in AutoCAD® for architects
Converting body in Autodesk Revit to an AutoCAD® body
  • Property Mapper – Maps properties of objects to properties in AutoCAD® for architects. Select the drop down to select ElementWallStickFrame and OpeningStickFrame simultaneously and select the green + to add. In each section of type ElementWallStickFrame and OpeningStickFrame, it is possible to map the entity field in AutoCAD® to the mapping field in Autodesk Revit
We are using an alias manager to map the wall types in Autodesk Revit to Wall codes in AutoCAD® Architecture.  This shows how we call on the alias manager type, for further information see alias manager below
  • Select Apply and OK button

Alias Manager

The Alias Manager allows you to manage multiple connections from a single location. You can assign an alias to each connection.

  • Select the alias manager button
Selecting alias manager
  • Select the New button and give the alias a name
  • Select Add button and create the connection mapping for ‘From’ and ‘To’.
We are mapping the 89 int family wall type in Autodesk Revit to the IA stickframe wall code in AutoCAD®.


Earlier we created a property set mapping for code as follows @(Identity Data.Type Name:A;VCImport-Wallmapping). This is a mapping that calls on the alias manager, to use the wallmapping alias and map these to the code field in AutoCAD® Architecture


export from Revit to ACA,export to ACA,import export,import from Revit to ACA,Integrate
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