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hsbCLT | How to display the surface quality of a panel in BVX

This document will show you how to display the view page in the Hundegger Cambium program.

  • Run the command hsbCAM\Element export\cnc xporter OR select hsbExporter in the hsbCLT Ribbon.
  • Open the Alias Manager which is located in the Tools group.


More information about the Alias Manager can be found here: Alias Manager - hsbacademy (hsbcad.academy)


  • Select the New button and create a new definition named, in this example we are going to name it BVXFrameAttribute.


Be aware if the Alias Set name already exists you will not be able to select the OK button


  • Now select the Add button.
  • Enter View that you want to be visible under From.
  • Enter VisibleFace under To.


The purpose of the Alias Manager is to describe the date in a program with a name that is more symbolic to you.


  • For Surface quality that are not visible, leave the To field blank.


It is important that all defined Surface quality are entered.


  • Close the Alias Manager.
  • Open the BVX settings (right-click and edit)
  • Select the 3 dots.

Under Frame attribute fo top, the following must be entered:

@(SurfaceQualityTopStyleDefinition.Name:A; BVXFrameAttribute:D"")

And under Frame attribute for bottom, the following must be entered:

@(SurfaceQualityBottomStyleDefinition.Name:A; BVXFrameAttribute:D"")

With the settings made, the surface quality is now exported to Hundegger Cambium.

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