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Extension Group Manager

Create your settings for the import and export of a hsbcad model in your design. The extension manager enables you to set up your import and export, by enabling multiple extensions during this process.

How to launch the Extension Group Manager

You can open the Extension Group Manager through the Model X importer window.

Import and export Extension Groups

Normally your extension groups are stored in your company folder. See “Saving the changes”.
You can also import and export your extension groups settings with our tool. The result of such a file will be a *.settings file.

Alias Manager

You can open the hsbcad Alias Manager to use it in your validations. For more information, you can go to the Alias Manager article.

Create new Extension Groups

  • Create a new extension group by selecting the Add + 
  • Then double click the New group and give it a name to add checks to.

Create extensions for your Group

  • Select Add + on the right-hand side in the Group Extensions section.
  • When adding an extension the user can choose from a list of available extensions. By Default, we have multiple extensions.

You can search the list of extensions in the textbox on top of the screen.

You can select your extension and add it to the group after pressing the OK button.

Modify your extension

You can click your added extension and properties on the right side will show up. In this lay-out, you can modify your extensions.

Example of an Extension

The property mapper is an extension that can be added to your group extension and this will make it possible for you to map properties from your modelX file to your design.


You can add the propertymapper extensions to your group with the following steps:

  • Select Add + on the right-hand side in the Group Extensions section.

Plugin Selector

  • Search in the search box of the Plugin Selector.
  • Select the PropertyMapper extension.
  • Press the OK button.

You will see that the Property Mapper extensions is added to your group.

Configure the property map extension

Now we can start to configure the extensions:

  • After this, you can click on the extensions itself.
  • In the list next to the + sign, you find all the objects where properties can be mapped to.
  • Look at the list and select your object that you want to map:
    • Beam: Beam entity in hsbdesign
    • Sheet: Sheet entity in hsbdesign
    • Sip: Sip or CLT entity in hsbdesign
    • ElementWallStickFrame: The element of a stick frame wall in hsbdesign
    • ElementRoofSip: The element of a SIP or CLT roof in hsbdesign
    • ElementWallSip: The element of a SIP or CLT wall in hesbdesign
    • ElementRoof: The element of a roof in hsbdesign
    • ElementLog: The element of a Log in hsbdesign
    • OpeningStickFrame: The opening of a stick frame in hsbdesign
    • OpeningSip: The opening of a Sip or CLT entity in hsbdesign
    • ERoofPlane: A ERoofPlane entity in hsbdesign
    • TSLInstance: A TSLinstance entity in hsbdesign
    • MassElement: A MassElement entity in hsbdesign
  • After you have selected an item in the list you will see underneath a new box.
  • This box will be used to map your properties.
  • In the Entity Field cell you can define your property where you will map a value to. This is the name of the property you will see in AutoCAD in the property palette.
  • In the Mapping Field cell you can look foor the value that comes from the model exchange file. If you have created your export in Revit, your information in the image below will look like this. If the Export has happened from IFC, the information will be different.
  • The Type field has a couple of values:
    • MapX: The value in the mapping field will be coming from the MapX information.
    • Property: The value in the mapping field will be coming from the property of a Sip entity.
    • PropSet: The value in the mapping field will be coming from the Property Set stored in the MapX.


The Type field is not always present in the properties box. That is dependent on the type that has been chosen.


Groups in the property mapper

Groups have been improved in the group extensions manager. You can now map your objects to groups in the hsbConsole. There are three layers in the Grouping structure that you can use:

  • House: first level
  • Floor: second level
  • Element: third level

In the mapping field you can assign any property that is in the HMLX file or you can type your prefered value: I.E. "Import from Revit".
In the example, the Base Level of the object has been chosen as Floor value. For the Element, the "hsbcad Item Container Name" from Revit has been chosen.

Import the model

You can look at the model in Revit. In the example, we have highlighted an element that shows the value for the "hsbcad Item Container Name". We have used this property multiple times in the example above.

After our import in hsbdesign for AutoCAD, we can see the elements imported in the drawing. You can look at the Label that we have defined in the Property Mapper.

Position numbers


If you want to map a value to the Position Number, you can do that. However, it will not show immediately in the property in AutoCAD. It will give you the value: No Number.
There is an additional process to be executed.


Navigate to any hsbdesign tab where you find the option to apply numbers.

You can click the option to apply numbers and this will show you a new window to do the numbering. You can select any entity or all entities in the drawing. However, the most important button to pick is "Keep existing numbers". This will pick your mapped position numbers.

After you have pressed the OK button you should have the correct position numbers in your drawing.

Extension,Extension Group Manager
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