How to update your old hsbUpdater
This document will show you how to update your hsbUpdater 2017
Update the hsbUpdater:
The hsbUpdater is located in the folder C:\Program Files\ITW\ITWUpdater\Updater
- Delete the Updater folder.
- Download the updater from the download area or use this link.
- Select the\Properties file and Unblock it.
- Then unzip the file in the Temp folder.
- Move the extracted folder to the directory where the updater folder was previously deleted. C:\Program Files\ITW\ITWUpdater\
- Open the folder and start the Updater.exe
- When the updater has started, select the Load an additional Version button
- Select the *.xml file in C:\Program Files\ITW\ITWUpdater\
The new updater should work.