TSL | hsb_PocketPointload
This is a combination tsl, the tsl makes use of the Material.xml. (see Remarks)
This tsl makes a pocket load in a wall element.

This tsl is saved in your C:\Program Files\hsbCAD\hsbcad20...\Content\UK\TSL\Standard\
Insert: Manually insert
This tsl has to be added in Model space.
Select the tsl, fill in the dialog box and select OK.
Select an element then a beam or point where you want the point load to be
The tsl makes use of the Material.xml list. (this is needed to know the density of the materials)
You can find it in C:\hsbCompany\Abbund\Material.xml or in the material list in the Ribbons.

The TSL created a pocket in the wall, on the intersection point of the wall with the beam and a point load in the walls underneath the wall with the pocket.
The TSL adds a "Special" (POCKETC) to the 'top'-wall element and a "Special" point load to the elements below.
When the beam changes position or size, the pocket and point load also changes position, or size.
Creation and changes in position or size of the pocket and point load are only visible after reconstruction.
If it's the first time you are using the hsb_PocketPointLoad tsl you might get a message.