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hsbShare | How to create a hsbshare account

You have 2 way's to create your hsbshare account:

Step 1. Start by going to or

Step 2. After that, go to the sign up page by selecting sign up.

hsbshare login page

Step 3. Fill in your: UsernameEmail and Password.


Please keep in mind to choose a strong password consisting of at least 8 characters. Use a mix of alphanumeric characters (letters, numbers and symbols).


Fill in your credentials

Step 4. You will be prompted to our Software License and Services Agreement, please read this document carefully and accept our agreement.

Step 5. After this, you will receive an e-mail which contains a link to activate your account.

Step 6. Click Confirm my account and you will automatically be redirected to hsbshare, logged in as your newly created user.

share account,hsbshare,How to create a hsbshare account
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