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hsbShare | Project configuration

The Project Configuration page is a page where you can manage your projects.
This page has a number of different widgets which are related to projects.

Project list

This widget shows all the different Projects you created or Projects which you have been added to. You can also delete existing Projects when selecting in pressing the delete button in the right top corner. When creating an account, you will automatically have your own project. This is an example project named "hsbshare Tutorial". You will be the only member of this project.

Create project

This widget lets you create a new Project. You can give this project a Project name, add a team to this project and enter an External Reference(which is optional). When adding a team to this project, every member of this team will have this Project in their Project List.

Project info

This widget is a small widget which displays your ProjectID and the Team connected to the selected Project.

Project members

This widget shows you all the Project Members of the Project you selected. Select a Project and manage your Project members. Here can you add and delete Project members.

Rename project

This widgets allows you to change the name of the selected Project.

hsbshare,hsbShare Documents,Projects,Teams
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