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hsbView | Step 3: Components

Projects, Configurations and Elements

Select your project: At the top left of the screen in hsbView, you will find the Projects dropdown menu. This menu allows you to easily select and switch to a different project that is stored within your "Main Projects" folder. Simply click on the dropdown, and a list of all available projects will appear. Choose the project you wish to view, and the application will update to display its specific contents.

Select your element: In the Element View, you have the ability to switch between different elements stored within your project folder. On the left side of the Element View screen, you’ll find the Elements List. This list displays all the elements (.hmlx files) available for your current project. Simply select an element from this list to view its details or to perform further actions.

Switch configurations: At the top right of the screen, the configurations dropdown allows you to choose settings tailored to specific elements like walls, roofs, or floors. Simply select the configuration that matches the element you are working on for optimized viewing and interaction.

Once you have selected the right project, configuration, and element, hsbView offers three main components tailored to view the data. Each component is designed for a specific function, whether it's visualizing elements in 3D or accessing comprehensive documentation. Below, we detail the different components.

3D Viewer

Overview: The 3D Viewer is a dynamic tool within hsbView that allows you to interact with and explore elements in 3D. Note: Depending on your configuration (.pcc) the viewer can have different names, but mostly the tab is called 3D. You can recognize the 3D viewer tab by the following icon followed by a name:


  • 1. Explode View: With the explode button, decompose complex elements to see individual zones separately. This is particularly useful for detailed examinations.
  • 2. Toggle Visibility: Easily switch on or off the visibility of sheets, beams, or independent zones according to your needs.
  • 3. Measurement Tools: Measure distances and dimensions directly within the viewer. You can select any point on an element, including edges, corners, and diagonals, to get precise measurements.

Element View

Overview: Element View acts as the core of the hsbView application, providing detailed visualizations of construction elements. Mostly it is set up to visualize an individual zone with the beams and sheets in that zone. You can recognize the Element View tabs by the following icon followed by a name:


  • Adaptive Configuration: The view you get is highly dependent on the chosen configuration settings. hsbView comes equipped with a range of default configurations that suit most needs. In the example below you see different Element View tabs which visualize the different zone's in the element.
  • Customization: If the standard configurations do not meet your specific project requirements, our Professional Services team is available to customize these settings. This service allows for tailored dimensions, colors, and other element properties to match your unique specifications.
  • Material list: In the Element View it is also possible to show a material list with the entities which are visualized. This list shows on the right side of the Element View.

Document PDF Viewer

Introduction: The Document Viewer integrates seamlessly within hsbView to give you direct access to essential project documents, such as PDFs. These documents often include detailed drawings, specifications, and supplementary information vital for project execution. You can recognize the Document View tabs by the following icon followed by a name:


  • Access and Read: Open and view PDF files directly within hsbView. This feature ensures that all pertinent project documentation is accessible in one place, enhancing workflow and communication across the project team.
  • Navigate between documents: On the leftside of the PDF viewer the different available PDF documents are visible, you can navigate between them there.
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