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Revit® | Import and Export Framing Styles in hsbDesign25 for Revit®

This video will show you how you can import and export framing styles from one drawing to another drawing.

You can import and export your framing styles and Revit families from one project to another project. If you have configured your framing styles, they will continue to live in the document. You could work with templates, or work with this possibility to import and export your framing styles.

Export framing styles

To export your framing styles, go to the hsbGeneral ribbon. In the ribbon, you find the import framing styles and you can collapse the menu item open until you find the Export Framing Styles button.

When you click this option you will see this image:

You can save your framing style at the location you prefer. When your export has succeeded you should see this message:

Your zip folder contains your framing styles settings (json) and Revit families and could look like this:

Import framing styles

You can import your exported framing styles in a couple of easy steps. When you press Import Framing Styles, you will see the image where you can browse for your .zip folder.

After selecting your .zip folder, you will receive the image to make you aware of the changes you will do to the model:

  • Remove the current Framing Styles and replace these with the framing styles in your zip folder.
  • Remove the current Matched framing styles & Openings that are linked to your Revit families.

When you select No, the operation will cancel. When you click Yes, the operation will continue.

When your import was successful, you will see this screen:

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Import and Export in hsbDesign25 for Revit, revit
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