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TSL | FreeProfile polyline tool

This is a PolylineTool tsl for beams and for panels.


This tsl (FreeProfile) is saved in your C:\Program Files\hsbCAD\<hsbcad20...>\Content\General\TSL


Depending from the selected properties you need to select one or multiple beams and (optional polylines).

If polylines (or circles) have been selected a new instance will be created for each polyline (circle) (not circumference and openings).

If no polylines have been selected one can specify the path by picking points.

Tool Modes

  • Circumference: the common outer contour of the selected genbeams
  • Openings: the contour of the nearest opening shape
  • Extrusion Body: the extrusion of a given closed polyline or a contour defined by grips (auto closed)
  • Polyline Path: a closed or unclosed polyline specifying the tool path. If the width of the tool exceeds the tool diameter the contour will be automatically converted to a closed polyline and the internal mode will switch to extrusion

Corner Cleanup

  • None: follows the original contour
  • Rounded: will use the tool radius to round the given shape
  • Overshoot: will modify the contour to millout angles with an overshoot. On sharp angles it will extent to tool diameter.


The face can be selected graphically during insert if the view direction is not perpendicualr to the XY or XZ plane of the main reference genbeam. The face selection is relative to the view direction during insert, unless the main reference is of type Panel.


By default 3 different tools are supported.

But any tool definition can be added through custom context command. Names and tool indices must be unique and need to match export configurations. Colors and transparency defaults are stored with each tool to distinguish different tools by color.


A description can be added to the tool, which supports formats of the tool and the main reference genbeam. Note; formatting is now available on insert and in OPM

Typing an '.' after a formatting variable will show the available arguments.

Free Profile,freeprofile,Polyline,tsl
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