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Version 25 of hsbDesign for AutoCAD®

New and improved in hsbDesign25 for AutoCAD®

Validations & Extensions

  • Translations are improved. All selectable entries of dropdown lists in the extensions and validations are translated now.
  • A new standard validation has been created to check if a sheet joint is within a certain distance to the corner of an opening. This validation is called: “Sheet joins at openings“.
  • Custom descriptions now can be added to the validations. This makes it easier to distinguish the results of validations which have the same name, but check for different things in the model. Also a group description can be added now as shown below.
Validation manager – custom descriptions
  • A new standard validation has been created to check if the thickness of the childpanels is the same as the thickness of the masterpanel they are part of. This validation is called: “Panel / Master Panel Compatibility Check“.
  • The validation “Find beams possibly belong to a module” has been improved to check if adjacent beams are in different modules.
  • The validation “Beam Spacing is Valid” has been improved by adding the possibility to take the contact face into account when checking the spacing. This is particularly handy for studs which are not the full width of the element as shown below.
Beam spacing is valid validation
  • The validation “Tag GenBeams in Zones” has been improved. When checking if GenBeams (beams or sheets) are in a particular zone, a tolerance now can be used to do the check. With this tolerance the user can accept minor deviations.
  • A new standard validation has been created named: “ElementReplicaHasValidData“. This validation checks elements for replica data attached, and if it is valid. When a user manually by accident removes the replica tsl in the model, the data attached to that element gets removed by this validation.
  • A new standard validation has been created named: “Nail spacing is valid“. This validation checks the inter distance of nail lines. In one validation multiple distances can be checked.
  • A new standard validation has been created named: “Nail line is on underlying construction check“. This validation checks if the nails applied to a sheet zone are nailing into something under the sheet e.g. a stud.
Nail line is on underlying construction check
  • A new standard validation has been created named: “Module length and width is valid“. In some manufacturing scenarios there could be a limit to the size of module that can be constructed or placed in certain areas. Therefore this check ensures that only modules matching the specified criteria are allowed in the design.
  • A new standard validation has been created named: “Check top and bottom plate“. This check allows the user to check the plate alignment, length and position. This is needed for example for some machinery to be able to correctly assemble the element.
Check top and bottom plate validation
  • A new standard validation has been created named: “Frame length and width is valid“. Using this validation the minimum and maximum length and width can be checked.
  • A new extension has been created named: AutoTagging. Using this extension you are able to auto tag beams, sheets and other entities in an element with basic information like:
    – Orientation (horizontal, vertical, angled, rotated)
    – Position in element (front, back, center)
    – Type
    – Name
    – Material
    – Grade
    – Plate information (plate, topplate, bottomplate)
    – Blocking


  • For the Btlx exporter interface we now support both V1.1 and V2.0 versions of Btlx ouput.
  • The Nailing extension has been improved. It is now possible to nail sheeting zones onto beams that are outside of the beam zone, like for example in battens as shown below, where the batten partially is outside the beam (zone 0).
  • The DXF Element exporter now has the option to include openings in the dxf element outline.
  • In the ExtensionGroupManager a new command to copy an extension group has been added.
Copy groups in the Extension Group Manager
  • A new extension has been created named: “Align Beam“. This extension can be used to set all beams in the same direction. With the orientation property in the CNC export, the beams can be e.g. all flipped to lay flat on the machine table.
  • AnalysedLogNotch as shown below, can now be exported to Hundegger Machines with the BVX Format.
AnalysedLogNotch tool
  • A default Multi Element Composer export group is now created if one does not already exist.
    The Multi Element Composer relies on an Export in the background to perform the multi element composition. This change makes the out-of-the-box experience better by providing a default export to launch the Multi Element Composer.
  • In the Multi Element Composer now the Maximum and Minimum table width can also be set. This is an addition to the already existing Maximum and Minimum table length.
  • A new extension has been created named: “Opening filter“. This extension can be used to filter openings and opening entities (beams/sheets/..). Useful for stacking elements where architectural openings/windows/doors are sticking outside the element.
Opening filter extension
  • In the Excel Report Designer export it is now possible to expose the Complementary Angles. The values for the cut angles are CutN, CutNC, CutP, CutPC. Where the C stands for the Complementary angles.
  • In the Excel Report Designer the row query expression now supports auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
hsbExcel Report Designer – auto-completion and syntax highlighting


  • A unique identifier has been introduced in hsbdesign for each object within the drawing. This GUID is being used to identify each object in the drawing. The GUID is being used in exports such as BVX. You can view the unique identifier in the property list once you have an object selected.
  • hsbshare now sets the GUID of the drawing in the hsbsettings when uploading a model to hsbshare. So that this unique identifier can be linked to the drawing. Actions like QR lookup can be performed by this feature.
  • When running clash detection you now have the option to split the intersecting beams.
Split beams
  • Now you can use formatting to give a description to a tool. This can be shown in the machine software. See example below.
  • For panels it is now possible to flip the reference side. This can be done using a new property called “Flip Side” as shown below.
  • Estiframe saw export now supports Hardware. Tsls with 3D display and attached hardware data will be available for display and marking.
  • In the hsbcad console on ACA in the tools tab, it is now possible to convert “free profile” tools to free profile tool entity, such that the static tool can be modified accordingly as a dynamic tool.
  • Small parts which could remain using integrate toolings are now removed and the length is calculated only by the remaining solid body.


  • A new tsl is added called: hsbJunctionScrew. This tsl allows you to add screws at wall junctions and save the product and wall type as a rule.
  • The instaCombination tsl now has the option to add a no nail area.
  • Using the tsl InstaConduit, when inserting installation combinations you can now choose to auto create conduits to bottom or top side.
  • The tsl instaConduit now supports segmented drill tools in roof and floor elements.
  • The hsbview tag tsl now allows you to tag modules in layout using painter definitions.
  • The genericHanger tsl is extended with new hanger tools for localized Australia and New Zealand content.
  • A new tsl is added called: hsbBracing. This tsl creates metal strap bracings to walls. The method used meets the requirements of the local standard AS1684 in Australia.
  • The hsbSheetDistribution tsl has been improved. Now splitting can also be done on wall panels, floor panels or roof panels. Also on elementgeneration the tsl now can be executed. And splitting can now also be done on panels which are imported from an IFC file (panels without element information).
  • The hsbGrainDirection tsl has been improved. Now the grain direction can be set by picking two points, so every angle is possible. The new expected grain direction is also visualized during selection of the 2 points.
Visualizing the new grain direction
  • A new tsl is added called: Dimline. With the Dimline tsl you can easily add a manual dimension line in ACA. The tsl has some right mouse click quick actions. See the following document to see how it works. dimline documentation You can also show these dimension lines in hsbMake.
  • The hsbInsulation and HsbElementInsulation tsl’s have been improved. Now when you fill in 0 as insulation thickness, the thickness of zone 0 is taken to set the thickness.
  • The hsbViewTag now can tag components of metalparts. Also new functionality is added to set formatting property via OPM.
New formatting properties OPM
  • The Simpson StrongTie Anchor tsl has been improved. Now tooling at sheets can be added.
Simpson StrongTy Anchor – tooling properties
  • The hsb_CreateSolePlate tsl has been extended to include the option of splitting the sole plate at door openings.
  • The hsb_CreateSolePlate tsl has been extended, a locator property set with options {Inside face, Outside face} is added to the TSL. This allows to select the desired insertion location.
  • The hsb_CreateSolePlate tsl hsb been extended by adding a property for the offset of the soleplate.
hsb_CreateSoleplate – offset property
  • The hsbCLT-Freeprofile has a new property called ‘Accuracy’ (Default = 0.1mm). A value greater than 0 will approximate any polyline into line segments with the given accuracy. 0 = no line approximation will be performed for the defining polyline and arcs will remain as arcs.
hsbCLT-Freeprofile – Accuracy
  • The tsl hsbCLT-MasterpanelManager has a new option in the Advanced Settings to define if openings of a panel should be added to the master panel or not.
hsbCLT-MaterpanelManager – Openings
  • The tsl PivotSchedule supports Painter Definitions now.
  • The tsl hsb_CreateMulitpleStuds will remain in the drawing after executing. So if the walls are generated multiple times it will keep the multiple studs and not make you re-run the tsl again.
  • A new tsl is added called: hsbMark_LineOrGrid. With this marking tsl you can easily mark GenBeams (Beam, Sheet, Panel) using gridlines or a free polyline.
  • The tsl hsbAcisExport can now export into SAT or STL format.
  • The ErectionSequence tsl has been improved. It now publishes a new property ‘SequenceNumberText’ to enable text based sorting of numbers, i.e. 0001, 0002, …. 0011, 0012. Use this property for any sorting purpose instead of ‘SequenceNumber’.
  • The hsbCLT-Presorter can now respect the order and grouping of an erection sequence based on XML settings.
  • A new tsl is added called: hsbCLT-Tape. With this tsl tape can be applied to the edges of panels. Single panels can be selected where individual edges can be picked, or multiple panels can be selected where the connections get analyzed.
  • The tsl HSB_E-Identification & Marking now has the possibility to place a marking where you can format the text using the properties of the beam.
  • A new tsl is added called: DoveTail. With this tsl a dovetail connection can be made between two parallel beams. When only one beam is selected, this beam splits at the given location.
  • The hsbCLT-Lifter tsl has a new Right Mouse Click action, to suppress/ add tooling. Hardware is being tagged with ‘No CNC’ if tooling is suppressed.
hsbCLT-Lifter – tooling toggle

Licensing and updating

  • Support Tools Application has been created to update and License hsbDesign Components.
  • A separate shortcut icon has been created for the hsb Support Tools that will control your license for the hsbExporter.
  • Privacy policy is updated and added to myhsbcad.
  • Update notification reminder at startup now is set to 14 days as default.
    And there is the possibility to set this update reminder to “Never”, actually turning off the update reminder.

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