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Essential Guide to Revit® | hsbModel for Autodesk Revit® (Video)

With the hsbModel add-in for Revit you can print Revit models on a large scale by splitting up objects in Revit and adding connections to them.

Movie hsbModel (3dPrinting)


How to use the hsbmodel tools

hsbModel ribbon

The hsbModel tab in the Ribbon shows the workflow of turning a Revit model into batches of .stl files, these batches contain FreeForms with connections.

The workflow is:

  • 1. In the settings you set the scale, the splitting, the labelling and the connections.
  • 2. Create SplittableSolids over Revit objects, these SplittableSolids can be divided into FreeForms.
  • 3. Label the Freeforms
  • 4. Add connections
  • 5. Stack the FreeForms into batches
  • 6. Export the batches to .stl files


Before you start make sure you load the following family’s in your drawing:

These families can be found in the support folder in the install file path.



3D Printing Settings

In the settings you can set the 3d printing settings for all individual Auto commands and the commands in the ''hsb Generate’’ tab.Make sure you set the scale and your printer dimensions, before you make FreeForms.


This shows a dialog where you can configure the settings for different modules of hsbonrevit.


From Host

Create FreeForms, do splitting, connections, labelling and stacking automatic with the values from the settings.

From Link

Ceate FreeForms, do splitting, connections, labelling and stacking automatic with the values from the settings from a linked drawing



Create SplittableSolids from Walls, floors and roofs and split them in to Freeforms from the values in the settings.


Create SplittableSolids with a non-splitted Freeform from Walls, floors and roofs.

Create From Parts

Create Freeforms from Revit Parts.

Generic Solid Creater

Create a SplittableSolid and a non-splitted Freeforms from any object.

Auto Link

Create SplittableSolids from Walls, floors and roofs and split them in to Freeforms from the values in the settings from a linked drawing.

Manual Link

Create SplittableSolids with a non splitted Freeform from Walls, floors and roofs from a linked drawing.


In Edit mode you can split up a SplittableSolid by drawing or modifying modellines.


Delete only Freeforms and SplittableSolids.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 13-Validate.jpg

Checks if any FreeForm exceeds the maximum sizes from the settings or if a split goes trough an opening.


Label Parts

Labels Freeforms of selected SplittableSolids.

Label Connections

Labels selected connections.

Create Label Views and DWF

Creates views of the SplittableSolids and 1 view with all Freeforms and export them to DWF.


Explode the FreeForms in the view.


Adds a Label to the FreeForms as a family (Generic Model) and as a propertie of the FreeForm.



Select PrintParts and add connections from the settings.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 19-SetClickConnectorsManual32x32_0.png

Manual select connections and add them to FreeForms.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Connections-wall.png

You can edit the connection by selecting the family-instance that adds the connection. It is placed in the center of the 2 faces that connect.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Connections-wall-1.png

When you select it you can change the Edit type parameters of the family to change the connections, also there are some instance parameters witch will change the connections:

Type parameters

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Type-parameters.png

For example when you change the distance between tenons to 500 a third connection is placed.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Distance-between-tenons.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Distance-between-tenons-wall.png



Auto select FreeForms and stack them in seperate 3D views with offsets from the settings.


Rotate a Stacked FreeFrom.


Export STL

Export views or pick elements to be exported to STL format.


This will make Printviews with the FreeForms stacked according to the settings.



Provide access to online help and other resources.

hsbAcademy user Guide LINK to this External page.

Account Info

More information on Purchase Options, Account info, app update, About.Purchase

Purchase Options

This option will direct you to the website for more info.

Account Info

Gives you License information.


Update: Updates the hsbDesign to the latest release available

Repair: The Repair option will force an update to the latest available release. 
The update option will check for the most recent available update and will not update if none are available.

Update/Repair LINK to this External page.


Displays the information about your current version of the installed hsbDesign plugin.

Terminology list

Splittablesolids and Freedoms

To print objects in Revit we add our own object over a Revit object, this is a SplittableSolid (Generic Model), this SplittableSolid can be divided into FreeForms (Structural Framing) as an example see the Wall below:

The Revit Wall
The SplittableSolid of the Wall
The FreeForm of the SplittableSolids


Note: SplittableSolids that are not split have 1 FreeForm


hsbModel,Revit hsbModel
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