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TSL | hsb_R-Lifting

This tsl adds lifting points to the elements.


This tsl is saved in your C:\Program Files\hsbcad\<hsbcad20…>\Content\Dutch\TSL

Insert: Manual insert


This tsl has to be added in Model space.



We also have the following lifting tsl's:

hsb_R-Lifting: This tsl adds lifting points to the elements.

hsb_F-Lifting: This tsl adds a grid of lifting positions to a floor element.

hsb_W-Lifting: This is a combination tsl, the tsl makes use of the tsl hsbCenterOfGravity.

hsb_W-SingleLifting: This tsl creates lifting for a single beam.

Sihga PICK Element: This TSL creates SIHGA PICK lifting devices in Roof/Floor Elements, referring to the center of gravity.

Sihga PICK Wall: This TSL creates SIHGA PICK lifting devices in Stickframe Walls, referring to it’s center of gravity.

hsbCLT-Lifter: This tsl will create drills for the lifting device.
hsbCLT-Lift: This tsl will create drills for the lifting device.

hsbPanelLiftingDevice: This tsl creates a drill distribution along X-Direction of a genbeam, optional one can connect additional genbeams with it.

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