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This is a combination tsl, the tsl makes use of the tsl hsbCenterOfGravity.
This tsl adds lifting positions to a wall. Depending on the wall length this tsl inserts 1,2 or 4 lifting positions.


Note that the density table needs to be filled in correctly, because those values are used to calculate the centerpoint of the element.



This tsl is saved in your C:\Program Files\hsbcad\<hsbcad20...>\Content\General\TSL

The positions can be modified through grippoints. The context menu provides functionality to rest the positions.
The positions are calculated with the center of gravity as reference point.
Place the hsbCenterOfGravity tsl first before using this tsl. (see Remarks).

Insert: Manual insert


This tsl has to be added in Model space.
To insert the tsl, one or more elements can be selected. The tsl will insert an instance of itself to each selected element.
The tsl can also be attached to the element definition. If its attached to the element definition it will be executed automatically when the element is generated.



We also have the following lifting tsl's:

hsb_R-Lifting: This tsl adds lifting points to the elements.

hsb_F-Lifting: This tsl adds a grid of lifting positions to a floor element.

hsb_W-Lifting: This is a combination tsl, the tsl makes use of the tsl hsbCenterOfGravity.

hsb_W-SingleLifting: This tsl creates lifting for a single beam.

Sihga PICK Element: This TSL creates SIHGA PICK lifting devices in Roof/Floor Elements, referring to the center of gravity.

Sihga PICK Wall: This TSL creates SIHGA PICK lifting devices in Stickframe Walls, referring to it’s center of gravity.

hsbCLT-Lifter: This tsl will create drills for the lifting device.
hsbCLT-Lift: This tsl will create drills for the lifting device.

hsbPanelLiftingDevice: This tsl creates a drill distribution along X-Direction of a genbeam, optional one can connect additional genbeams with it.

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